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ISWSO2018 is the premier interdisciplinary platform for the presentation of new advances and research results in the fields of Water System Operations. The symposium will bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and scholars in the domain of interest from around the world. Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to list as below:

  1. Inflow forecasting,
  2. Dependences and the positive/negative feedbacks between water cycle and hydropower,
  3. Single reservoir/multiple reservoirs system operation (including water supply, flood control, power generation, water quality control, etc.)
  4. Water diversion systems, 
  5. Channel/reservoir hydraulic and sediment/ pollutant transport process,
  6. Rural-Urban water systems,
  7. Water-energy system interactions,
  8. Climate change impact on reservoirs, including energy generation and demand, and related works
  9. Socio-economic aspects in modelling the water and energy systems.
  10. Integrated software and platform development,
  11. Others.


01: Remote sensing and modeling of the terrestrial water cycle

Conveners: Yun Pan (Capital Normal University), Qinghua Luan (Hebei University of Engineering), Weihong Liao (IWHR)
Description: The main topics in this session include, but are not limited to:

  1. Hydrological processes and water balance;
  2. Comparisons among remote sensing, modeling and in situ observations;
  3. Data processing algorithm and applications;
  4. Error estimation and uncertainty analysis.

02: Hydrometeorology Nowcasting and Forecasting

Conveners: Dehua Zhu (Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology), Mingxiang Yang (IWHR)

Description: The main topics in this session include, but are not limited to:

  1. Key technologies and methods for disastrous weather forecasting;
  2. Advances in QPE and QPF based on weather radar technology;
  3. Hydrological monitoring and prediction based on ensemble forecasting system;
  4. Urban floods mitigation and forecasting system;

03: Integrated planning and development of hydro-wind-solar power: Enhancing clean electric power system transition

Conveners: Xiaohui Lei (IWHR), Guoyi Han (Stockholm Environment Institute), Xin Wen (Hohai University)

Description: The main topics in this session include, but are not limited to:

  1. The role of hydropower as an enabler for enhancing regional energy cooperation and market integration, including integrated hydro-wind-solar system design;
  2.  Hydro scheduling in multiple power markets;
  3. Optimization algorithms and modeling;
  4. Pumped storage hydropower and ancillary services;
  5. Regional energy cooperation and market integration mechanisms and best practices, among others. 

04: Water Resources Scheduling and Management in Urban Water Systems

Conveners: Zoran Kapelan (University of Exeter), Soon-Thiam Khu (Monash University)

Co-convener: Qi Wang (Guangdong University of Technology), Jiping Jiang (Southern University of Science and Technology), Feifei Zheng (Zhejiang University), Xu Wang (IWHR)

Description: The main topics in this session include, but are not limited to:

  1. Normal and emergency scheduling of water resources in urban raw water systems;
  2. Optimal operation of reservoirs, joint operation of reservoir group;
  3. Optimal operation and emergency scheduling in water distribution systems;
  4. Urban floods mitigation, operation and management of urban drainage system.

05: Scheduling and Management of Water Diversion Project

Conveners: Yu Tian (IWHR), Chao Ma (Tianjin University), Yang Yu (IWHR), Rafael Schmitt(Stanford University)

Description: The main topics in this session include, but are not limited to:

  1. Multi-objective regulation and control technology of water diversion project;
  2. Study on the impact of water diversion project on water resources;
  3. Operation, scheduling and management of water diversion project;
  4. Hydraulic transition process technology;
  5. Water quality protection for water diversion projects;
  6. Application of information technology in water diversion project.

06: Reservoir Sediment Regulation and ecological operation

Conveners: Yujun Yi (Beijing Normal University); Yuanjian Wang (YRIHR);  Markus Noack (University of Stuttgart); Zhengjie Yin (Changjiang Water Resources Commission of the Ministry of Water Resources)

Description: The main topics in this session include, but are not limited to:

  1. Ecological operation for species conservation (such as fish);
  2. Ecological operation for water quality improvement;
  3. Ecological operation for restoring e-flow;
  4. Ecological operation for other purposes;
  5. Reservoir ecological operation optimization and management;
  6. Basic Theory of Sediment Movement in reservoir areas;
  7. Risk Evaluation of Reservoir Sedimentation;
  8. Key Technology for the Sediment Regulation for one or multi-Reservoirs;
  9. Impact and adaptive measurements of Climate Changes and Human Activities on the Regulation of Reservoir Sediment.